Здравейте професионалисти,
С удоволствие ви каним на следващата ни среща, която ще се състои в четвъртък 28-ми октомври от 19:30 ч. в ресторанта L'Anchois Vert (Rue Stévin 120 - Brussels).
Бихме искали да привлечем вниманието ви към кампанията на седмичника European voice за титула "еврокомисар на годината", където е номинирана и българската представителка Кристалина Георгиева. Възможност да дадете своят глас в подкрепа можете да намерите на http://www.europeanvoice.com/page/2752.aspx.
Следващата седмица ще се състоят няколко събития, за които бихме желали да ви информираме.
Юбилейното издание "Хроника на българската православна църква" ще бъде представен на 26-ти октомври в Европейския Парламент в 14:00 часа. Събитието ще се проведе под патронажа на г-жа Антония Първанова и г-н Станимир Илчев, членове на Европейския Парламент и с помощта на всички български евродепутати.
На 27-ми октомври от 19:00 часа, отново в Европейския Парламент ще имате възможността да присъствате на събитие на тема "Българският принос в европейското културно разнообразие", организирано от групата S&D.
В Комитета на Регионите на 28-ми октомври от 13:30 часа ще се състои събитие посветено на Кюстендилския район в присъствието на Премиера, Бойко Борисов и на кмета на Кюстендил, Петър Паунов.
Не забравяйте да посещавате и блога ни на адрес bulgarianprofessionals -точка- blogspot -точка- com.
До четвъртък!
Бг Про
October 23, 2010
Салон на виното в Брюксел
Скъпи професионалисти,
Информираме ви, че този уикенд (23-24.10) се състои салон на виното в Брюксел, на който е представено българско вино.
Повече информация ще намерите на тези адреси:
Приятна дегустация!
Информираме ви, че този уикенд (23-24.10) се състои салон на виното в Брюксел, на който е представено българско вино.
Повече информация ще намерите на тези адреси:
Приятна дегустация!
Chicho Foundation
Dear friends,
It is the end of August already, the year is flying by! We on the CHICHO board hope that you have had a greet summer and would like to update you on what we've been working on this year.
Ilia has just returned from Bulgaria where he has been checking on some of our current projects and donations:
The 'Baba y Vnunche' project we asked you for help with is well under way and already showing results. We have slightly less 'grannies' than initially planned but the important thing is that the project is up and running. At the moment we are sponsoring 7 instead of the 11 planned due to a lack of suitable candidates. However, one of the ladies has already changed the life of a 7 year old boy by teaching him to walk. It is clear that the children love the attention that the 'ladies in pink' can provide. We hope to recruit more soon and the running costs will drop considerably as we do.
We have also just sponsored a carer from Karin Dom in Varna (www.karindom.org) by paying for 5 day cerebral palsy Early Intervention Course in London for €844.
She will take this expertise back to Bulgaria with her and train the others at the center how to rehabilitate and provide relief to severely handicapped children.
We have also started giving 8 abandoned children, all students in the regular schools, in Gorski Senovetz €1 a day pocket money for school and other expenses they may have during the day while at school (sandwitch, coke or whatever they may need). Their names are Jivko, Itzo, Suzana, Elena, Hristofor, Ivan, Pepa and Alexander.
This has added up during the holidays enough to allow them to spend a week at the coast. They are very happy about that as you can imagine!
And now for the tough bit.
We have been asked to help a home for abandoned babies under 2 years old in Varna. As with all state run orphanages in Bulgaria, they are given a budget at the beginning of each year by the state to provide for the children and pay the staff and expenses. A budget which is always very far from what they really need. As the 200 babies at this home need 30,000 nappies a month the money doesn't last long. They certainly can't afford luxuries such as nappy rash cream or cholic water. For these simple things we take for granted they have asked our help. Ilia has previously found a manufacturer of diapers who is ready to sell us a ton of diapers (+- 15000) at bellow manufacturing cost (€1000) which would mean we can help the orphanage with 1000 euro per month.
And this is where you come into play...
Although sometimes it feels as though we are embarking on a mission impossible to help these kids, what we have achieved together is already changing the living conditions and hopefully future lives of some of Bulgaria's 22000 children in orphanages.
Thanks you for your support so far, we hope that you can continue to help us help them in the future!
Kind Regards
Ilia, Clare and Erik
NL: (ABN Amro) 50 17 03 012
Outside NL
IBAN: NL85 ABNA 0501 7030 12
KvK No. KvK01/1591844
It is the end of August already, the year is flying by! We on the CHICHO board hope that you have had a greet summer and would like to update you on what we've been working on this year.
Ilia has just returned from Bulgaria where he has been checking on some of our current projects and donations:
The 'Baba y Vnunche' project we asked you for help with is well under way and already showing results. We have slightly less 'grannies' than initially planned but the important thing is that the project is up and running. At the moment we are sponsoring 7 instead of the 11 planned due to a lack of suitable candidates. However, one of the ladies has already changed the life of a 7 year old boy by teaching him to walk. It is clear that the children love the attention that the 'ladies in pink' can provide. We hope to recruit more soon and the running costs will drop considerably as we do.
We have also just sponsored a carer from Karin Dom in Varna (www.karindom.org) by paying for 5 day cerebral palsy Early Intervention Course in London for €844.
She will take this expertise back to Bulgaria with her and train the others at the center how to rehabilitate and provide relief to severely handicapped children.
We have also started giving 8 abandoned children, all students in the regular schools, in Gorski Senovetz €1 a day pocket money for school and other expenses they may have during the day while at school (sandwitch, coke or whatever they may need). Their names are Jivko, Itzo, Suzana, Elena, Hristofor, Ivan, Pepa and Alexander.
This has added up during the holidays enough to allow them to spend a week at the coast. They are very happy about that as you can imagine!
And now for the tough bit.
We have been asked to help a home for abandoned babies under 2 years old in Varna. As with all state run orphanages in Bulgaria, they are given a budget at the beginning of each year by the state to provide for the children and pay the staff and expenses. A budget which is always very far from what they really need. As the 200 babies at this home need 30,000 nappies a month the money doesn't last long. They certainly can't afford luxuries such as nappy rash cream or cholic water. For these simple things we take for granted they have asked our help. Ilia has previously found a manufacturer of diapers who is ready to sell us a ton of diapers (+- 15000) at bellow manufacturing cost (€1000) which would mean we can help the orphanage with 1000 euro per month.
And this is where you come into play...
Although sometimes it feels as though we are embarking on a mission impossible to help these kids, what we have achieved together is already changing the living conditions and hopefully future lives of some of Bulgaria's 22000 children in orphanages.
Thanks you for your support so far, we hope that you can continue to help us help them in the future!
Kind Regards
Ilia, Clare and Erik
NL: (ABN Amro) 50 17 03 012
Outside NL
IBAN: NL85 ABNA 0501 7030 12
KvK No. KvK01/1591844
October 04, 2010
Среща на 7-ми октомври от 19:30 ч.
Скъпи приятели,
След известно затишие имаме удоволствието да ви съобщим, че отново сме тук!
Предлагаме ви да отпразнуваме заедно началото на новия сезон, който несъмнено ще бъде съпроводен с много емоции, изненади, разкрития и нова енергия
този четвъртък 7-ми октомври от 19ч30 в Brasserie Meeus (Rue du Luxembourg 17, Brussels).
Ще се радваме да ви видим!
Бг Про
След известно затишие имаме удоволствието да ви съобщим, че отново сме тук!
Предлагаме ви да отпразнуваме заедно началото на новия сезон, който несъмнено ще бъде съпроводен с много емоции, изненади, разкрития и нова енергия
този четвъртък 7-ми октомври от 19ч30 в Brasserie Meeus (Rue du Luxembourg 17, Brussels).
Ще се радваме да ви видим!
Бг Про
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